Ava Lynn……Nearly anyway lol

Ava Lynn……Nearly anyway lol

Well that is me finished the blanket up to the point of adding border……..According to the pattern the FINISHED blanket will be 36″x42″………..So far mine is 32 by 22(32″ horizontally and 22″ Vertically). I also counted the rows and have 55 as I am supposed to have……….So here is My dilema……..Do I

A – finish as pattern states and see what size it turns out, frogging out the border if it is still smaller and doing more rows of the shell pattern.

B – Do more rows of shell pattern and then do  border after few more rows.

C – Make up own border to pad it out a bit more.

Let me know what you all think please.




Just frogged half a sock monkey hat ! reasons are twofold lol
1. realised I was using a 3.5mm hook instead of 4.00mm hook. (have 4 clover soft touches sitting on table lol)

2. Realised it should have had a cream/white/other colour to begin with and switch colours and mine was only in a greyish colour.

Oh well there is still tomorrow, will get it done easy the peasy and it WILL be a sock monkey instead of a sucks monkey đŸ™‚